Some of the top FAQs from both Sponsors & Sites.

FAQs for Sites

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Q: How do you describe Interspond?

A: Interspond works with a network of Sites and provides centralized business development activities. We identify study opportunities for Sites and provide top enrolling, high performing Sites to Sponsors andCROs for consideration for participation.

Q: How many Sites are in your network?

A: There are 140+ Sites in our network.

Q: What’s the process for Sites to join the network?

A: Prospective Sites meet with the Site Relations team to discuss Site capabilities.  Interspond’s business model is explained and the Site must agree to work with Interspond in that capacity. Approved Sites are then invited to complete their profile in CROWN.

Q: Do Sites have to sign a contract to join Interspond’s network?

A: No. Interspond does not require Sites to sign a contract to join our network. Sites will sign an Agreement Statement and a CTA on a study-by-study basis.

Q: What does it cost to work with Interspond?

A: There is NO COST to work with Interspond. Interspond does not charge any fees to Sites or take a percentage of the budget. Sites are paid exactly the per-patient amount that was negotiated with Interspond.

Q: Can Sites work with Interspond and your competitors?

A: Yes. Interspond does not expect an exclusive arrangement with Sites.

Q: Do you work with academic sites?

A: No.

Q: Do you conduct Oncology studies?

A: No. Please see our list of therapeutic areas.

Q: Is the contract & budget process transparent?

A: Interspond negotiates a budget with the Sponsor/CRO and a different budget with the Sites. The budget negotiated with the Sponsor/CRO is confidential.

Q: How do Sites get paid?

A: Interspond pays Sites per the terms of the contract upon receipt of funds (and break-down) from the Sponsor or CRO. Checks are cut weekly and detailed break-downs are sent via email.

Q: How many study opportunities will be presented to me?

A: Historically Interspond has posted approximately 20 studies per month. The number of studies presented is dependent upon the Sponsor’s and CRO’s pipelines.

Q: What happens if a Site was previously contacted on a study that is posted in CROWN?

A: Interspond expects that Sites will work with the company that initially presented the study to them.

Q: Who makes the decision on which Sites are selected on a study?

A: Sponsors and CROs are the decision makers on which Sites are selected for each study.

Q: How do Sites access CROWN to see studies?

A: Once a Site has been approved to be part of the Interspond network, access will be provided.

Q: Is Interspond my main contact throughout the duration of the study?

A: No. Once the site has been selected by the Sponsor and the contract and budget has been executed, the Site will become the main contact for the duration of the study.

Q: How do Sites add or change their profile within CROWN?

A: Written procedures are provided to Sites. Interspond staff are happy to assist as needed.

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